Read below for information about the leadership team and the application process. 
Applications are due Saturday, November 4th by 4pm.
The term serves from December 2023 to December 2024.
Interviews will be scheduled during weeks 7 and 8.

Apply by clicking below. The Exec Team will then be in touch with the interview logistics after review of your application.

Dear applicants,

I want to take a moment and commend you for your interest in serving on the Newman Leadership Team! This team not only teaches valuable leadership, time management, and teamwork skills that you will use for the rest of your life (and that you can put on resumes for internships and jobs), but also opens your heart, allowing God to work in you and through you. On the leadership team, you have an active role in carrying out Christ’s vision for this community. Truly, the leadership team drives the culture of the Newman Center - creating social and works of mercy events, facilitating outreach efforts, and fostering a welcoming environment for new and returning students, among many other things. Many of the community aspects of the Newman Center would struggle without the influence, service, and generosity of students on this team.

I dream of a student leadership team with hearts blazing with love for Christ!

The Leadership Team is an opportunity to give, grow, and gain. In the first place to give: “To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one - to each according to his ability” (Mt. 25:15). Jesus gives us specific talents. For some it’s a crazy love for tabling or maybe a special attention to details or creative problem solving. The leadership team is a place to give of these talents, to invest our time, talent, and treasures for the glory of the Kingdom. In the second place to grow: “I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that does he prunes so that it bears more fruit” (Jn. 15:1-2). The leadership team provides the opportunity to grow - discovering hidden talents and skills, forming deeper friendships, and growing in love for Christ. The focus of the Leadership Team is not perfection, but progress; A team unafraid to admit weakness, empowered in their ministry, and willing to ask for help.

And finally to gain: “Give and gifts will be given to you” (Lk 6:38). Do you know how in the gym everyone’s all about the “gains?” Well, the same goes for serving on the leadership team except the “gains” from a generous and servicial heart are so much more than 10 pounds of muscle. They are the eternal “gains,” gaining a deeper friendship with Christ, and a greater love for Him.

I’m beyond excited to see God’s work in this year’s Leadership Team. Below you will find more details about the different positions on the team, and the application form.  Thank you for applying and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


In Christ,
Tanner Lauby
Leadership Chair


Leadership Team Commitments

  • Fulfill the duties of your position (see descriptions below)

  • Attend biweekly leadership (executive team meets for one more meeting)

  • Attend Leadership Team Retreat (December 9-11, 2022)

  • Attend Evangelization Training Weekend next year (weekend prior to welcome week)

Additional Exec Team Commitments

(Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, & Comms. Director)

  • Regularly pray together for the leadership team and the evangelization of campus.

  • Meet biweekly as an Exec Team (weekly meetings alternating with the whole leadership team meetings)

Position Descriptions


Click on a position below for details.

  • Empower other student leaders to carry out their ministries for the evangelization of campus by inspiring, encouraging, recalling the vision, and giving practical help in carrying out their particular roles.

    Work with Newman Staff, Special Projects Team (SPT), Leadership Team, and Volunteer Missionaries to organize and coordinate the efforts of the Leadership Team to carry out the mission.

    Attend weekly staff meetings.

    Attend monthly SPT meetings.

    Foster a sense of team among student leaders.

    Serve as the secondary liaison between OSU Newman and the OSU campus (ASOSU, Pro-life, etc).

    Vice-Chair primary liaison between OSU Newman and campus.

    Co-organize and co-lead Student Leadership meetings on a bi-weekly basis.

    Pray regularly for the leadership team and the evangelization of campus.

  • Empower other student leaders to carry out their ministries for the evangelization of campus by inspiring, encouraging, recalling the vision, and giving practical help in carrying out their particular roles.

    Work with the Chair to organize and coordinate the efforts of the Leadership Team to carry out the mission.

    Foster a sense of team among student leaders.

    Serve as the primary liaison between OSU Newman and the OSU campus (ASOSU, Pro-life, etc).

    Co-organize and co-lead Student Leadership meetings on a bi-weekly basis.

    Pray regularly for the leadership team and the evangelization of campus.

  • Empower other student leaders to carry out their ministries for the evangelization of campus by inspiring, encouraging, recalling the vision, and giving practical help in carrying out their particular roles.

    Work with Chair and Vice-chair to organize and coordinate the efforts of the Leadership Team to carry out the mission.

    Work with Kathy Bailey on financial needs and budget for the Leadership Team.

    Serve as the primary financial liaison between OSU Newman and the campus.

    Manages SORCE funding requests with OSU.

    Pray regularly for the leadership team and the evangelization of campus.

  • Create vision for Newman Communication Team and ensure that together the Communications teams' work is aligning with and moving towards this vision.

    Responsible for the Blog on the Website - creates a blog schedule for the year, chooses people to write blogs/testimonies, proof reads writing, delivers final pieces to Website Manager with appropriate graphic

    Creates and distributes Weekly Events Update similar to a weekly bulletin at a parish. Currently delivered via Flocknote.

    Communicates with Newman Staff, Special Projects Team, and Volunteer Missionaries to promote/communicate non-leadership team events i.e. Go Fish, Lectures, Pilgrimage, Retreats, etc.

    Meets individually with team members as needed and assists in the development of each team member's individual ministry as needed

    Pray regularly for the leadership team and the evangelization of campus.

  • Manage Twitter, Instagram, and Flocknote as tools for the evangelization of campus by:

    Being present at important Newman activities to post compelling pictures and comments in real time,

    Photograph events and post photos

    Inviting people to use or follow Newman social media,

    Posting relevant spiritual content.

    Work with Newman staff to post timely information about upcoming Newman events.

    Strategically empower other students to use Newman social media for the New Evangelization.

    Work with the Communications Director to work as a Media Team.

    Pray for the evangelization of campus.

    Bonus: Ability to edit photos, “creative eye,” experience with Instagram

  • Develop fliers and posters for use within Newman and outreach on campus.

    Gain proficiency in relevant programs as needed.

    Work with the Communications Director to work as a Media Team.

    Be proactive in knowing the calendar of events.

    Work with Newman Staff to improve the visual presentation of Newman Center events and the Newman Center building itself.

    Pray for the evangelization of campus.

  • Keeps the Newman Website up-to-date with relevant information about programs and events. Ongoing responsibilities include:

    Posting event information

    Managing sign up forms

    Making blog posts

    Editing and uploading homily recordings

    Maintaining the public Newman Google Calendar.

    Requires attention to detail, a high level of organization, and an aptitude for technology.

    Pray for the fruits of the website and communications ministries!

    Work with the Communications Director to work as a Media Team.

  • To broadcast the Good News to all who ought to see and hear!

    The online Newman talk show (Select topic to interview about/who, write interview questions, Set a filming date with interviewee, 30 minute set-up time involving multi-camera set-up, etc.)

    Coordinate w/ social media about when to post and where to locate

    Take pictures and record videos at Newman Events

    Work with the Communications Director to work as a Media Team.

    Pray for the evangelization of campus.

  • Work with students and Missionaries to make the Sunday night Mass worshipful, reverent, beautiful, and welcoming.

    Recruit, train, and coordinate a Welcome team aimed at welcoming new students and informing them about how they can get more involved in the life of the community.

    Train and coordinate Lectors and Ushers.

    Work with the Outreach Team to coordinate outreach socials after Sunday night Mass.

    Coordinate Thursday Tabor.

    Pray for students to have a powerful experience of Christ in the liturgy.

  • Plan meaningful Works of Mercy in Corvallis on a regular basis.

    Stir up concern within the Newman community for the poor, marginalized, and suffering.

    Recruit students to get involved.

    Find ways to make Works of Mercy a bridge for new students.

    Plan the spiritual content, preparation, and reflection for before and after the Works of Mercy, or work with Missionaries and students to do so.

    Pray for an increase in compassion in our community and God’s help for those we serve.

  • Foster community within the Newman Center by hosting social events and coordinating regular sports.

    Plan one excellent social event per term.

    Plan, publicize, and execute social events.

    Work with Newman staff to coordinate space, materials, and budget for events.

    Develop a team of students to help plan and carry out events.

    Plan, invite, and coordinate regular sports events for men and women.

    Use personal influence to foster a culture of true friendship at Newman.

    Pay particular attention to those who are on the edges of the community or may have no friends.

    Pray for life-long, Christ-centered friendships to flourish at Newman

  • Bring glory to God and lead students to worship through music in the Liturgy.

    Recruit and train worship teams for the Sunday night student Mass, Thursday night Mass, and Fragua programs.

    Lead rehearsals.

    Give the requisite musical training.

    Form a sense of team.

    Lead the team in praying together.

    Work with Dan-Vy to form the style of worship and Mass parts.

    Plan music according to the Liturgical season and particular celebration.

    Plan one annual retreat for the worship team.

    Pray for the evangelization of campus.

    Note: The music leader is expected to learn and lead the style of music and worship of the Saint John Society.

  • Plan and execute events and activities to attract new students to the Newman Center and give them an opportunity to encounter Christ.

    Develop a team of students to help in this effort with a special effort to reach freshmen.

    Work with Volunteer Missionaries to lead tabling on campus for Welcome Week, Alpha, Venture, and other programs.

    Work with the Social and Liturgy teams to plan outreach socials after Thursday and Sunday night Masses.

    Work with Communications to publicize events.

    Use personal influence to foster a culture of evangelization at the Newman Center.

    Pray for the evangelization of campus.